Friday, September 7, 2012

Lasik San Jose Eye Surgeons Perform Provides Permanent Vision ...

Most activities require vision acuity of 20/20 or better to be properly carried out. Otherwise, the use of eye glasses or contacts may be necessary. Fortunately for those who like to spare themselves from the use of such devices, attainment of better eyesight may be done surgically. It's via Lasik San Jose eye surgeons are performing.

Although it is definitely a form of surgery, the use of a scalpel isn't necessary. What the eye surgeon employs is laser technology. This is done to effectively correct refractive errors, problems which involve incorrect light focusing. Individuals who can benefit from this procedure are those who are suffering from nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism.

The individual need not be put under general anesthesia. Because of this, all the complications related to undergoing it may be dodged. Pain is absent because prior to the surgery the specialist will administer anesthetics directly into the eyes.

The patient stays awake throughout the operation, which can last for only a few minutes. To give you an exact idea, it will take the surgeon about 15 minutes only to have both eyes treated. However, as there are some pre- and post-operative procedures which may be performed too, a patient may have to be in the clinic longer than the given time. He or she is allowed to head home after, accompanied by someone in order to rest and recover.

What laser does is give the cornea an improved shape. As earlier stated, this surgical treatment is designed to correct errors of refraction. To do so, the cornea's curvature is refined to let it focus light more appropriately. Laser removes unwanted bits of corneal layers on a microscopic level, giving this particular part of the eye a more appropriate shape.

The machine emitting laser is installed above the operating table, controlled by the surgeon. When it is activated, it will produce clicking noises. According to those who have already undergone the treatment, they could smell burning hair. When the anesthetic agent wears off after the procedure, one might feel like a grain of sand or any other foreign object is in the eye. This is normal and will disappear soon enough, and rubbing the treated area should be avoided.

Antibiotics and eye drops will be prescribed. It's important to get plenty of rest at home in order to shorten the recovery period. Some activities may be resumed the following day, especially after having the eyes checked by the specialist.

Many find the procedure highly appealing because, aside from being a quick and scalpel-free treatment, it also provides permanent results. It means no longer will eye glasses or contacts have to be used to enjoy 20/20 vision. While some form of improvement may be seen after the operation, things will get better as the surgical site heals further.

Undergoing Lasik San Jose eye surgeons are performing also involves some risks. However, they are very rare as the procedure and technology used had gone through a lot of refinements since they first came about. When considering such treatment, make sure that you are consulting a certified ophthalmologist who is highly qualified to perform it.


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